Divine Love Divine Truth
ph: 303-587-4013
Divine Love Divine Truth welcomes you to the adventure of Spiritual Progression through Soul Development. A journey to the experience of the True Self, the soul, the Real Human, a Perfect Creation of God, Created in the image and likeness of the Great Soul. A Spiritual Awakening to Enlightenment and Consciousness. A journey to Happiness produced by the Natural Love, or the Greater Happiness produced by the Divine Love.
Herein is the Divine Truth and wisdom of the Celestial Angels, spirits of the Highest Realm of God's Spirit World, the Celestial Heavens. This wisdom and Knowledge of Truth is borne of their experiences in Spiritual Progression, or Soul Development, both in this Mortal World, and after they have passed into the Spirit World beyond, and continued their Spiritual Progression through the various spheres of the Spirit World, or God's Heavens.
This Spiritual Wisdom and Knowledge of Truth was lovingly delivered through the brain and hand of James E. Padgett, Spiritualist Medium, by automatic writing in Messages from Jesus and Celestials, only by the willingness of James E. Padgett to receive these messages of Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth of God's Divine Love and Immortality. These are The True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, a Gospel of Love and Peace, containing what Jesus really meant and taught while on Earth, and continues to teach from the Spirit World, about his greatest Divine Truth, the New Covenant taught to him by God, "Our Father" through the Spirit of Truth, or the Holy Spirit; "Ye must be born again of the Divine Love of God's Soul to become Divine yourselves and enter into the Highest Spirit Spheres, the Celestial Heavens, or the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven, and obtain Divine At-Onement and Immortality in God".
This New Birth of the human soul is simply acquired through the earnest, sincere longings and aspirations of the souls desires for Union with God, to the Divine Soul, God, the Creator of human soul, for the Divine Love of God, the Essence and Spiritual Substance of the Divine Soul of God. God always responds through the workings of His Holy Spirit with an inflowing of the Divine Love that Transforms the Created human soul into a Divine Angel, or Divine Soul, having a portion of the Divinity of God. Thus, Immortality, as God is Immortal. Until this Divine Substance of God's Immortal Soul, the Divine Love, is received in this Way, the human soul remains merely the Perfectly Created human soul and has nothing of the Divine Nature in it. Thus the human soul in that condition cannot achieve Immortality, as God is Immortal.
This is The Way that Jesus taught while on Earth through his personal experience and example, and is still teaching from his place in the Celestial Heveans of the Spirit World. He speaks as a still small voice to the souls of mortals who desire to know the Divine Truths of God.
This website also includes the Spiritual Truths of Natural Love Progression, often called the Moral Truths, Principles and Laws, the re-attainment of the Perfectly Created Human soul, as Created. Also, the Truths of Spiritualism of the highest order. The Natural Love is the Love that emmanates from God through His Spirit of Love, Goodness, Care, Creation, and Life. In this Spirit of God, that permeates the Universe, we all have the existence of our being, and may return to the condition of Purity and Harmony that existed between the First Parents and God, before their fall. A purity that provides for the greatest happiness and at-onement with the Spirit of God, except for the Greater Happiness, Peace, Harmony, and At-Onement with the Divine Soul of God through the inflowing of God's Divine Love.
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ph: 303-587-4013