Divine Love Divine Truth
ph: 303-587-4013
James Edward Padgett was born August 25, 1852, in Washington, D.C., and attended the Polytechnic Academy Institute at New Market, Virginia.
In 1880 he was admitted to the bar in Washington, D.C., and thereafter he practiced law for 43 years until his death on March 17, 1923.
During his student years, he became friendly with Professor Joseph Salyards, an instructor at the Academy who, after his death in 1885, wrote him many interesting messages. His wife, Helen, died about February 1914, and was the first to write him from the Spirit World.
James Padgett never practiced the gift of mediumship as a means of earning money. He was dedicated wholly to the reception of the great messages signed Jesus and Celestials.
In a letter, James Padgett give a testimony:
First, permit me to state that I am a practical lawyer of 35 years experience, and as such, not inclined to accept allegations of fact as true without evidencing proof. I was born and reared in an orthodox Protestant church and, until quite recently, remained orthodox in my beliefs. That a little more than a year ago, upon the suggestion being made to me that I was a psychic, I commenced to receive messages by way of automatic writing from what was said to be the spirit world. And, since that time, I have received nearly 1500 such messages upon many subjects, but mostly as to things of a spiritual and religious nature, not orthodox, as to the errancy of the Bible.
I have not space to name, nor would you probably be interested in, the great number of the writers of these messages; but among the writers is Jesus of Nazareth, from whom I have received more than 100 messages. I will frankly say that I refused to believe for a long time that these messages came from Jesus, because God, while He had the power, as I believed, would not engage in doing such a thing. But the evidence of the truth of the origin of these messages became so convincing, not only from the great number and positiveness of the witnesses, but also from the inherent and unusual merits of the contents of the messages, that I was forced to believe. I now say to you that I believe in the Truth of these communications with as little doubt as I ever believed in the Truth of a fact established by the most positive evidence in court. I wish further to say that, to my own consciousness, I did no thinking in writing the messages. I did not know what was to be written nor what was written at the time except the word that the pencil was writing.
The great object of these messages from Jesus, as he wrote, is to make a revelation of the Truths of his Father. He asserts that the Bible does not contain his real teachings as he disclosed them while on earth. That many things that he said are not therein contained, and many things that are ascribed to him therein, he did not say at all. And he wants the Truths made known to mankind. And I must say that many of these Truths, which he has already written, I have never heard of before, and I have studied the Bible to some extent. One thing in particular impressed me, and that is what the Truth is of his bringing "life and immortality to light." The Bible does not state it. I have not been able to find an explanation of it in any commentaries on the Bible.
I have found that it is most beneficial to read the sharing of Leslie R. Stone (menu on left) to gain some understanding of how these messages came to be, and a small part of the history of them through Dr. Stone's close friendship with James Padgett, and being present very often when the messages were being received.
May 31st, 1914
I am here, your father. (John Padgett)
Yes, I am. I will try to tell you what you must do to form a band of Spirit Workers. Let me select them. Then, you will not be troubled by bad spirits. You must not try to talk to every one who may come to you. That will work injury to you. You will not be able to get the best results.
Let me tell you who you should have form the band: your grandmother, your mother, Helen, Professor Salyards, Mr. Riddle, and myself. These are enough to help you in the investigation of Spiritualism.
(Will they join?)
Yes, I will have them come, and you can ask them.
(Grandmother, Ann Rollins): Yes, I will. You will be a successful medium, and will not need to go to the sances where you went on Friday night, as they are not helpful to you in the way of progressing in your investigations.
(Mother): Yes, I am. I certainly will. You will not be troubled by bad spirits, for your father and grandmother will keep them away from you.
(Prof. Salyards): Yes, I am. I will be one of the band to help you. You will be my mouthpiece in my writing to the world the thoughts that I desire to make known, on subjects that are of interest to humankind. Keep well. I will soon let you write my ideas of this Life and of what I find to be the Real Truth of the Love of God and the Love of Humankind.
(Asks him to write a verse.)
Yes. I am not in condition tonight, as you are too weak to write much more. Yes, I will show my face in the photograph. Then you will know that I am one of your band.
(Mr. Riddle): Yes, I am. I will be one of the band. You will not be annoyed by any others than the ones your father has named. I will write you what my beliefs and thoughts are of the Life here, so that you may know that I am just a spirit in search of the Truth. You will see that I am not one who knows everything, but will try to learn whatever is possible, and will tell you what I learn. Yes, and will let you see that I have my mustache and goatee just as in my Earthly Life.
(Father): Yes. You can go to the photographer as soon as you find it convenient and we will be there. You will see us all. I will be in my naval uniform. Then you will be convinced that I am living.
(At the sance on Friday last, J. Shellington spoke to me and asked that he be permitted to join my band of spirits. I had not then thought of, or had suggested to me, a band of spirits. I suggested his name to my father, who wrote.)
(Father): He is not of the Spiritual kind that will be helpful to you. I do not think it wise for him to join. He is too much of the earthy yet, but will soon progress. Then we may have him join. Go to bed and rest. Your father, John H. Padgett.
September 12th, 1914
Give your heart to the Lord and He will bless you, as you will soon realize.
? Jesus who wrote?
He did. He will come to you again soon. He is waiting to tell you of the Truths that he is longing to have you know. He is not going to let you feel that he is away up in the Heavens, far beyond the reach of humans, but is with them all the time, working and trying to save them from their sins. Let your Love for God and His Truths keep you from unbelief and doubt. Be a True Seeker after the Knowledge that is in Christ. You will not be long in doubt as to which is the way to Eternal Happiness. Keep trying to find the Truth. He told me that he would come to you so that you might not doubt any longer. He is not going to leave you again as he did some years ago when your heart was hard and sinful. You must believe that he came to you. He is no other than Jesus of the Bible.
I will Love and help you at all times, your grandmother, Ann Rollins.
James E. Padgett
September 24th, 1914
I am here, Jesus.
Be of good cheer for I am with you always. Do not let your heart fear, for the Lord is your keeper. He will be your guide and shield. Only believe and trust in Him and you will soon be born again into the Spiritual World of His Kingdom.
Let me teach you, and give you the thoughts that He gave me while on earth. Let me show you that the things of this world are not the things that save the soul from sin and unhappiness. Be a True Follower of your God.
? (What is the New Birth, or what is Born Again?)
It is the flowing of the (Divine Love) Holy Spirit into the soul of a human, and the disappearing of all that tended to keep it in a condition of sin and error. It is not the workings of the human's own will, but the Grace of God. It is the Divine Love of God that passes all understanding. You will soon experience the change. Then you will be a happy man, and fit to lead others to the Truths of God. Let your heart be open to the Knockings of the (Holy) Spirit. Keep your mind free from thoughts of sin. Be a human who Loves his God, and his fellow human. Your Love, is only now of the earthly kind, but it will soon be of the Things Spiritual.
You must not let the cares of this world keep you from God. Let His Holy Spirit come into your soul. Your will is the thing that determines whether you will become a Child of God, or not. Unless you are willing to let the (Divine Love) Holy Spirit enter into your heart, it will not do so, only the voluntary submission to, or acceptance of, the Holy Spirit will make the change.
I was the Instrument in God's Hands of leading humans to His Favor and Divine Love. When I said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life", I meant that through my teachings, and example, humans should be able to find God. I was not God. I never claimed to be. The worship of me as a god is blasphemous. I did not teach it. I am a son of God, as you are. Do not let the teachings of humans lead you to worship me as a god. I am not.
The trinity is a mistake of the writers of the bible. There is no trinity. Only One God, The Father. He is One and Alone. I am His Teacher of Truth. The Holy Spirit is His Messenger and Dispenser of Divine Love to humankind. We are only His Instruments, in bringing human to a Union with Him. I am not the equal of my Father. He is the only True God. I came from the Spirit World to Earth, and took the form of human. I did not become a god, only the son of my Father. You also lived as a spirit in that kingdom (spirit world), and took the form of human merely as a son of your Father. You are the same as I am, except, as to spiritual development. You may become as greatly developed as myself.
I am the only son when on Earth, who until then had become vested with the Divine Love of God, to the extent of being wholly free from sin and error. My Life was not a Life of earthly pleasure or sin, but was given wholly to my Father's Work. I was His only son in that Light. He was my Father, as I knew Him to be. He is not a spirit of form like myself, or yourself.
I was born as you were born. I was the son of Mary and Joseph, and not born of the Holy Spirit, as it is written in the Bible. I was only a human being, as regards my birth and physical existence. The account in the New Testament is not True, and was written by those who knew not what they wrote. They have done the cause of God's Divine Truths much injury. Let not your belief in that error keep you from seeing that my teachings are the Truth.
Be only a believer of God and His Divine Truths. You will soon be in the Kingdom.
You will soon be able to understand as I understand.
Goodnight, Jesus the Christ.
James E. Padgett
September 29th, 1914
Christ Jesus is here and wishes to write to you about the Love of God and the needs of humankind.
Let your mind be free from all thoughts of evil and sin. The Love of God is reaching out for every human, so that the meanest will be the Object of His Care. Do not let the thought that He is only Loving the good and righteous lead you to think that you must seek the company of these favored ones only. Let the lost and unhappy be the objects of your efforts to show them The Way to The Father.
You will have an opportunity, in receiving our messages, to teach all humankind about the Love of God for His Children, that they are the Children of His Greatest Care and Love. Be only earnest in your efforts to spread the Truths, which I shall teach you in my communications. You will be a successful laborer in the work, which the Father has decreed that you shall do. Give your best endeavors to the spreading of the messages. You will not only save the souls of the blinded and lost, but also will hasten the coming of the Kingdom in your own Life and heart. Let me come to you often. You are the instrument that I wish to use in my New Gospel of Glad Tidings to the Human Race. Be True to the trust that I shall impose in you. Let not the cares of the world keep you from spreading my Gospel. Come to the Love of God, in a more Enlarged and Truthful Meaning. You will be my True Follower. Let me lead you to the Fountainhead of All the Truths, which God has in store for Humanity.
My own Love and power will guide you, and keep you in The Way of Light and Truth, that you may teach to your fellow human. Your own soul must be first purified. Then you will be able to show others the power and Love that I have for them.
You are not to seek the help of other spirits, until I teach you the Divine Truths of my Father. He is the only One who has the Power to save humans from their sins and errors. Be True and earnest in your work. Don't let other things distract your mind from the task set before you. The World needs a New Awakening. The infidelity and unbelief of humans, who think themselves wise, but who are foolish, as they will ultimately find out. The material things must not fill their souls much longer, or they will suffer more than they can imagine. The material needs of humankind are not the only clouds that must be lifted from their souls.
You are too weak to write more now.
Yes, but I am not able to write more now, because you are not in condition. You must stop writing now,
Jesus Christ.
James E. Padgett
October 5th, 1914
I am here, Jesus.
You must not be too anxious for me to explain all the mysteries of God's Creation. I must not teach you all of them now, but will later, when you have become Purified and are At-One with Him.
You are the messenger that I shall use to carry My Gospel to Humankind. I will teach you those Truths, which you cannot now understand. I will explain all the Qualities of the soul and spirit, so that humankind need no longer remain in darkness, as to what my teachings mean, and as to how very necessary it is that they shall understand and follow my teachings.
Do not be over anxious at this time to know the mysteries of preexistent of the difference between the soul and the spirit. You shall know in the future. You will then be able to receive the Truths of God, in their respects to your fellow human. Go to the Lord God in prayer. He will remove from your soul all that tends to defile it and make it an alien from Him. He is the One that will clean it from all sin and error. Do not believe all that you read tonight in the books that you are reading at the library. Some statements were True, and some were not. Only the teachings that I shall give you will tell the Wishes of my Father.
Let not your heart be troubled or cast down. I am with you always. I will help you in every time of need. Only believe that I am the Jesus of the Scriptures, and you will not be long out of the Kingdom.
You are my chosen one on Earth to proclaim my Glad Tidings of Life and Love. Be True to yourself and to your God. He will Bless you abundantly. Keep His commandments. You will be very happy and will soon receive the contentment that He gives His True Children. Go to Him in all your troubles. You will find rest and peace.
Yes, in a very short time you will be free to devote your whole attention to my objects and to your work. You will soon be in a condition to let the things of this world alone, as I need you for my service. Let me tell you that you will get your home as you desire and have your surroundings all harmonious for receiving my messages. You will be with your daughter to keep you happy and free from care.
Let me bless you, and leave you now, for you are too nervous to write more at this time. With all my Love, and my blessings, and those of the Holy Spirit, Jesus.
James E. Padgett
November 3rd, 1914
I am here, Helen.
You are too nervous to write. You must go to bed early and rest. You are my darling Ned. I Love you with all my heart, so do not think that you are not Loved by me, your father, mother and grandmother. We all Love you.
Yes, I have. He (Jesus) says; that he is waiting for you to get in condition to write. He will write to you as he said. You must soon get in condition. You will get it by prayer, as I am told by your grandmother, who is here. She says that you must believe more thoroughly in the promises of the Master. You will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit (the Divine Love). She says that you are too much taken up with your business matters, to let the Holy Spirit enter into your soul in all its Truth and Divine Love. She says that you must not let the thoughts of what you shall do in the future, keep you from praying to God, and Loving Him. You will be taken care of.
She says; That Jesus is the one for you to believe in and love. He will be your friend and will help you to progress in your Spiritual Life, as well as in your temporal Life. He is the one who can help you more than anyone else.
She says; That the Christian Scientists Church is the one that will help you most, as the people who attend there are more in accord with the teachings of Christ, than are the Spiritualists of the church of Mrs. Kates. She further says; that the Spiritualists are not teaching the True Religion of the Master, and that is the only one that will lead to God. They are merely showing the possibility of communicating between the dead and the living, which is desirable so far as it goes, but which does not save humans from their sins, or, bring them At-One with God. So I would not attend there very often, but rather go to some church that teaches that Jesus is the saviour of humans from their sins. Go to the Methodist, or Congregational, or Universalist church. Each of them will help you to progress in your spiritual development.
Yes, he (the preacher) is all wrong. You will not be benefitted by him. He is not in the True Way of Light. He is too imaginative and visionary. He does not see the things that he preaches. He is not doing any good to himself, or to others. Go to the Lord and He will lead you aright. I mean The Father, whom Jesus taught about. That He will help you to see the Truth, and the things that are necessary for your salvation. Yes, you should, (prayer, Holy Spirit, and Divine Love) as they are the mediums by which God lets His Divine Love and Favor come to human. They are the only True Instrumentalities of the Father, which He uses to show the Way to Salvation, and to confer His Divine Love and Grace on human.
Yes, you do. Only believe more. You will soon receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit in all its fullness. ? Yes, you will. So will those that you come in contact with. Give the Lord your whole heart and soul. You will soon realize the difference in your Life. ? Yes, she does, and is with you often and prays God to Bless you.
She says; that she is willing, for once, to attend such a seance, but that it is not beneficial as a general thing, as it does not help the spiritual development of the person. Only convinces the human that the spirit is a living being, and can come back to Earth and show themselves in a form that may be realized.
The writing phase is the most satisfactory, as you can preserve what is said, and can commune in a more extended and enlightening manner.
She (Mrs. Kates) is talking through her own mind. No spirit talks through her. She sees the forms and scenes which she describes, and she hears the voices of spirits talking to her, and she merely repeats what she hears. She merely repeats the language that she hears.
You will be a strong medium of communicating by the pencil. You will not be a clairvoyant, as that is a phase that is not intended for you to possess. Yes, and you will not only be able to write for us, but for Jesus, as he desires. You will become a True follower of him. Then you will be able to write with much facility and success. He will tell you when he writes. I do not know what he will write, for he has only told me that he will write on the Truths that the Bible does not contain, or rather, that he will correct certain passages contained in the Bible.
Yes, you must Love me as I Love you. Then you will be happy. ? Yes, and you must believe that I am. ? Yes I am, and will soon be in the Third Heaven (Sphere). I will then be so much happier. ? Yes it is, and that is what I want you to do.
Goodnight my own Love, Helen.
James E. Padgett
December 25, 1914
I am here, Jesus.
You are my dear brother. I will tell you what I desire you to do at this time. You must not let the worries of your business life keep you from giving your thoughts to God in worship and in prayer. And, from believing in me and loving me as your friend and teacher, for I am, and wish only to have you do those things which will make you more At-One with the Father and Love me more.
You must try to let all your thoughts turn to the mission which I have selected you to do, for I have chosen you, and you must do my work. As I am the one that God selected to do His Work when I was on Earth, so you are the one that I now select to do my work by giving to the World my Messages of Truth and Love. I will soon commence to write them. You must preserve them, until such time as you shall be in condition to publish the same. Which will not be very long. I have already told you, the means that will enable you to give your whole time to me will soon be at your command.
I do not want you to think that you are not worthy to do this great work, for if you were otherwise, I would not have selected you. This fact alone should be sufficient to make you not doubt that you are a suitable person for the work.
Let me tell you now, that no matter what you may think will happen to your business affairs and work, I will look after you and remove all obstructions, so that, as I say, you will soon be able to commence your duties.
In my teachings, I want to show that I am only my Father's son, as you are His son, and not to be worshipped as God. He is the Only God. The people, who are worshipping me in all parts of the World, are not doing what I desire. They are putting God in the background, and making me their object of worship. Which is all wrong, and which I am so anxious to have ceased.
They must look upon me only as a son of God, and their elder brother, who has received from the Father His Full Love and Confidence. Which I am bidden to teach to them. You are not to let anyone tempt you to let your Love of God be displaced by any Love that you may have for me. Your Love for me must not be the kind that you have for Him. He is the Only God. You must worship Him Alone. So be careful and make the distinction, or you will make a most egregious mistake.
I am your own dear brother and teacher, and Love you with a Love that I have for very few mortals. Why? Because I see that you will be a True Follower of me and will Love God as I Love Him. Only, I do not want you to think that you are now in a condition that leaves you free from sin, or the necessity of praying to the Father with all your heart for an inflowing of His Divine Love. You must get all this Divine Love that is possible, that can be gotten only by prayer and Faith.
So in your prayers, have Faith. The time will come when you will become very close to the Father and enjoy His Divine Love to a degree that few have so far obtained.
Yes, it is possible. As I say, it will take place. Only do as I have told you. Yes, I will help you with all my power and Love. You will succeed. Only try to believe. You will realize before you come to the Spirit World that God is your Father, to a degree that will enable you to live very near Him, as I am living. Your Faith is now very great, as I know,notwithstanding the fact that at times you have doubts and get despondent, yet your Faith is there. It will grow in intensity and become so strong that it will never again be broken.
Yes, there are many things in my Life, as written in the Bible, which are True. Many that are not True. These I will tell you when I come to write my messages. You must wait until then.
Yes, I did, but not in the sense that it is taught. To forgive sin is only to let the True penitent feel that just as soon as they pray God to blot out their past offenses, and Truly believes that He will do so, the sins are no longer held against them for which they will have to account. I could not, myself, forgive sin, for I was not God. I could tell them Truly, that if they repented, God would forgive their sins. Later I will tell you in detail what real forgiveness is, and what it consists of.
As for the healing act which I performed at the pool of Bethesda, I am reported to have said, "Is it easier to say, take up thy bed and walk, than for God to forgive your sin?" Well, that is the way it is recorded. That is not what I said. Actually, I said, "That thou may know that the son of human, through the Power of God, can forgive sin, I say unto you, take up thy bed and walk." It was only as God's Instrument, in showing human The Way to His Divine Love that I could bring about forgiveness of sin. Not by any power of my own. If God did not forgive, I could not. Neither can any human.
I know that a church claims that authority. It is not correct. It has no power to forgive sin, or to grant any favor, or indulgence, to humankind. Its assertions of that power, is a mere usurpation of what God Alone has the power to give.
May God's Blessing, and mine, rest upon you tonight, Jesus.
James E. Padgett
January 5th, 1915
I am here, Jesus.
You are my own True brother and disciple.
I come because you need me, and my Love. I want to tell you that you are very near the Kingdom. Your prayers have been heard. Our Father has given you His Divine Love to a great degree. So you must soon be prepared to take my messages. The time is getting ripe for the World to receive my Gospel of Love and Peace.
Humans are now thinking deeply of Spiritual Things, and want a Gospel that will teach them The Way to the Truth of God's Divine Love and their Eternal Happiness.
So do not let the things of Earth keep you from getting more of your Father's Divine Love and Grace in your soul. Be steadfast in your Faith. You will not want for anything that will enable you to become His True Son, and my own Loving disciple, in spreading the Glorious Tidings of Joy and Peace to humankind. Your Love is now so great that you will soon be At-One with your Father, and receive from Him the outpouring of His Divine Love, and the Pentecost of the Holy Spirit. Be a human that will not let anything of Earth, or heaven, keep you from doing the work, which I have set before you to do. I am your True helper and protector. You will not suffer for want of anything that will make you free and happy. Be more earnest in your efforts to obtain the great boon, which your Father has promised to give you. You will not be disappointed.
You are doing a good work among the spirits. God, Our Father, will Bless you in your endeavor. You must not let doubt, or want of Faith, keep you from doing the great work that you have undertaken. The spirits, whom you have so much helped, will progress towards the Truth, and will remember you when they get the happiness which awaits them.
Your wife is a beautiful and powerful spirit, who has learned to Love God very much, and who Loves you to an extent that is unusual among spirits who Love with a Love far exceeding the Love of mortals. She is now progressing very rapidly and soon will be very near her Father's Home of Love and Joy. So you are very much blessed in having such a wife and soulmate. When you come over you will find a spirit waiting for you that will appear so beautiful to you, that you will wonder how such a thing could be. You may become just as beautiful, and as much possessed of God's Divine Love, if you will only pray, and do His Will while on Earth. It is not necessary for you to wait until you come over in order to get this Divine Love and become free from sin and error.
I am your True Teacher and Brother. I want you to do my will as regards the Teaching to Humankind of the Truths of the Father.
I do not desire to tell you now of these things. I will in a short time. Then you will know just what the Truth is.
Yes, I know the future. I tell you now, and you must believe that you will soon be relieved of all your business cares, and be in a condition to give all your time and energies to my work. Do not doubt this any more. I think that this is the best place, though the place will not determine the best means of doing the work. I mean the place will not be material, except that the place you mention is a good one, as it is near the Capitol of a great nation and will enable you to make more impression on the world by what you may publish. I do not intend to restrict you to any place. Only take the messages and publish them. You will also teach the Truths by your daily conversations and example.
Yes, I remember the saying. It is True. In your case the same conditions do not exist, as existed when I gave utterance to the saying. Nevertheless, I will guide you when the time comes, and you will follow my guidance. It will make little difference to you where you are. The spread of my Truths is the important thing. Yes, a church will be established. There will be many leaders of my new movement. It will succeed and supplant all other beliefs in this hemisphere. I mean in the United States and other protestant countries.
The war (1915) will last until the Germans are subdued. I do not think it will be very long before they will see the utter hopelessness of fighting longer. Then they will submit. A new nation will arise, which will be a nation of the people governed by the people. Emperors' sons will not have any influence with the people. The nobility will cease to have any power and will become a part of the people.
God will eventually rule human's lives through His Love. Humans will then seek His Love. Peace will be established in the Earth. When my Kingdom comes on the Earth, I will reign in the hearts of humans. Not as a ruler, or as a sovereign lord, but as a Prince of Peace, the Only Son of the Father who was born without sin. All humankind will worship God, in spirit and in Truth. War shall be no more. Swords shall be turned into pruning hooks and plowshares. Humans shall know what Peace and Love for one another are.
My Second Coming will be as the "still small voice" that speaks to every human (in their hearts and souls), and tells them that Divine Love is the only thing that is necessary for them to have. When they get that in their souls, all the sins, hatred, and desires for evil, will pass away.
I will not desert you in your work. It will prosper. I know that certain churches; I mean the clergy and high officials, will fight my Truths, and the teaching of them to humans. They will not succeed. I will prevail. Humankind will be Redeemed. All will bow down in earnest prayer and thanksgiving to their God. His Divine Love will enter into their hearts. They will be at peace. Brothers and sisters will be brothers and sisters indeed. The Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of humans will be established. All humans will serve their God.
The catholic church, will eventually, as an organization of political power, as a monster of error, and a teacher of doctrines contrary to God's Truths, be utterly destroyed. Its followers will embrace the True Teachings of my Gospel. Many will not embrace these new teachings though, until the last vestige of the power of this great vampire has utterly disappeared. The priests will be shaken from their seats of power, and will become humans of no influence among the people. For my Truths will destroy all the errors which they have preached, and through fear, caused their deluded followers to embrace and believe.
You must not write more tonight, as you are tired. So with my Love and blessings, I am, your brother and teacher, Jesus.
James E. Padgett
June 15th, 1915
I am here, Jesus.
I want to tell you tonight that you are much better in your spiritual condition. I desire to write a message, and have you take it, if you feel that you are in condition.
Well, I desire to write on the subject of: Why humans should believe that I, who write to you, am the True Jesus of the Bible, and why I write to you.
When I lived on Earth, humans did not believe that I was a God, or that I was anything more than a Teacher of God's Truths, possessed of wonderful powers, not then so well understood, as they are now, since humans have comprehended, to a limited extent, the possibility of the Spirit Forms operating through the Material World. That is; the Spirits of Humans, and the mortals of the other, have the power to communicate with one another. That the powers possessed by the spirits, which are almost unlimited, may, to a certain extent, be conferred upon and exercised by humans. This intercommunication, possession of powers, and the conferring thereof on humans, was not so well understood when I was on Earth as they are now.
I, by reason of my soul development, and my Knowledge of Spiritual Things, was able to exercise these powers to an extent that made the people of my time suppose that I was the only Son of God, possessed of many of His Powers and Attributes. As a matter of fact I was possessed of these Powers and Attributes. But I was only a mortal when on Earth, and only a spirit after I passed from the Earth to the Spiritual Life. Of course, my Development of the Soul Qualities were such, as to enable me to do many things on Earth which no other mortal could do. After I became a spirit, to obtain a position in the Spirit World that no other spirit had obtained. Yet I am only a spirit, a highly developed one. Possessing more Knowledge of God's Truths and having more soul development, than any other spirit.
If I were God, or a part of God, I would be something more than the mere spirit that I am. My position would be such that I could not, or would not, communicate with you in the manner that I do. But I am only a spirit, having the same form, and means of communicating with the mortals of Earth, that other spirits have, only to a greater degree. I am not doing that which should be surprising to humankind. My home, of course, is in a Sphere far above that of the Earth Sphere. My condition of development is far greater than that of any other spirit. I am not of the Earth, in any particular, yet my powers are correspondingly great, and my ability to communicate is in accordance with my Powers and Knowledge.
If I were God, I would not resort to the means of communication that I do now. It would not be surprising that humans would not believe that I would so communicate. As I said, not being God, there is no reason that I should not communicate through you, or any other qualified medium, the Great Truths of my Father, and the Plan Provided by Him for Human's Salvation. So humans should not think, that because I am the Jesus of the Bible, and have for so many years been accepted and worshipped by so large a part of the human race, as God, or rather a part of Him, that, therefore, it must not he believed that I, as a spirit, have not the qualifications and powers of other spirits. And, because I do so communicate, that I do that which, as god, I should not do.
Well, I must not write more as you are not just in condition. I will finish the next time you write, as I very much want humans to understand my position, with reference to them, and to the Spirit World.
I am not so much in rapport with you tonight as usual. You are not in condition to take my meaning. We will try again, soon. I want you to pray more to the Father and have more Faith. I will come again soon. I will say goodnight.
Your friend and brother, Jesus.
James E. Padgett
September 26th, 1915
I am here, Jesus.
I am glad that you are so much better tonight and that your thoughts are turned to the Higher Things, of which I so much want to write you.
John has told you Truly, of the Faith which you must seek to obtain. Which, you may obtain, if you will only pray to the Father with all earnestness and confidence. Elijah's Faith is no different, and no greater, than what you may obtain if you will come close to the Father by prayer, as he did. The Father is as much your Father as He was his. Your mission is a greater one than was his.
I am the Jesus, who is the True Son of God. I am closer to Him than is any other spirit, and know the extent of His Divine Love and Power to a greater degree than does any other spirit. I tell you with the authority that my Divine Love and Knowledge gives me, that you may obtain a Faith that will enable you to perform greater wonders than did Elijah.
Trust me implicitly. Your Faith will grow so strong, that your freedom from worries and cares will come to you, as the sunlight breaks from behind dark and threatening clouds and bathes the whole landscape in light and beauty.
You must soon now resume my message taking, and attune your soul to the influences which I will bring to you.
Well, you will receive help, as I have promised. You must not doubt me longer. I know that you consider your unworthiness as the great stumbling block to the performance of my work. But, if I say that you are worthy, you have no right to say otherwise, or to feel that I am mistaken in choosing you, or that you are being deceived in this communication.
I am Jesus, the Chief of the Heavenly World which my Father has given me. There is none to gainsay, or prevent what I do, or determine to do. This you must believe. On that belief, guide all your acts. So forever hereafter, know that I have chosen you for my disciple of this New Revelation.
With the acquiring of this Faith, also, acquire more of the Divine Love of the Father. This is the Great Power, which will develop you into the disciple that I intend you to be.
Pray to the Father, and trust me. My Love for you is without limit. My care for you shall be increasing, until all shall be accomplished. I have written this emphatic and authoritative message to you tonight that you may know that there is no uncertainty, that I, Jesus, have chosen you. You must not again doubt that your mission is as I have told you.
With all my Love and my blessings, I am, your brother and friend, Jesus.
James E. Padgett
September 27th, 1915
I must say a word, for my heart is so filled with regret and remorse, and the recollections of my awful mistakes while on Earth, that I must release my soul of its burdens, so far as a confession can do it.
I am Ingersoll. I am not the agnostic any longer, but the most repentant believer in all God's Spirit World. One who now knows that Jesus Christ was, and is, the Son of God to the fullest meaning of the word.
Oh, how glad I am that I came to you when I did, and that you caused me to seek the society of your band of beautiful and bright spirits who are filled with the Divine Love of the Father. If I had not been with them I would not have witnessed the scene of last night, and today be a believer in the Jesus, who I now know is the Savior of humans, by his Wonderful Love and Knowledge of the Truth.
Well my dear friend, such a scene as I witnessed last night was never witnessed on Earth, except as I now believe, by the three disciples of the Master at the Transfiguration on the Mount. Then, I doubt if the glory was as great, and the brightness of the Master so blinding and magnificent as they were last night.
I had seen the Master a number of times. While to me he was the most beautiful and Loving of all spirits, and one to whom I was drawn in great affection, yet I had no conception of the other qualities, or attributes, of his, which he displayed last night.
And what must I think of you, a mere mortal, as are thousands of others on Earth having a Soul Development to a certain degree, but not to that of any of the spirits in the Soul Spheres here, as I am informed, to be selected for the work of doing the Master's desires on Earth. Having that selection declared, or rather ratified, by an occasion that made all the spirits present tremble with awe at the glory and power which were displayed by Jesus the Christ, who I, on Earth, proclaimed to be merely a good man.
I tell you that you are wonderfully favored, not only in being selected to do his work, but in having that selection anointed, as it were, by such evidence of glory and god-like power as were shown last night.
I had no conception of what the glory of God meant or what the power of God could mean. Least of all did I suppose that any spirit in all the Spirit World could possibly possess such glory, or manifest such power. Jesus Christ possesses the glory and power to such a degree as to make him almost godlike.
As I said, I was present, and observed him as he wrote to you, also, what he wrote. As he proceeded to tell you that he had selected you to do his work, he was the beautiful Loving Jesus that he always is, as I had seen him. As he proceeded, and you doubted the possibilities of such things, and even to doubt if Jesus was really writing to you, there came into his countenance a wonderful look of authority and power, and then, the more wonderful brightness that outshone the noonday sun, and glory indescribable. Upon, which none of us could look, and we fell prostrate to the Earth, as you would say.
Oh, I tell you, the power, which emanated from him, was beyond all conception. The wondrous authority that appeared in his whole being was not possible of being withstood by either spirits, or mortals. We were filled with awe and admiration.
When he had finished writing, the glory and brightness that I describe, left him. He again appeared the humble, Loving, but beautiful Master. Before leaving us he gave us his blessings. To me came a great peace that passeth all understanding. I know now that Jesus is my savior, and that the Divine Love of the Father is a Real Existing Thing. I am striving to obtain it. I believe in the New Birth, and am praying for it. Your dear grandmother tells me that I will soon get it.
So now I say to you, that you can declare to the world, that Ingersoll the agnostic, is no longer an agnostic, but a believer in the Father's Divine Love and in Jesus Christ, his beloved son, and The Way, The Truth and The Life.
I will not write more tonight. When I shall have gotten my thoughts and feelings together, I will write you at large and tell you of what my soul says as to my future destiny.
Well, thanking you for your kindness and for you having such a grandmother, and for such a Jesus. I am, your friend, R. G. Ingersoll.
James E. Padgett
September 27th, 1915
I am here, St. John, Apostle of Jesus.
I am here again so soon, because I want to help you believe in what the Master wrote you, as to your mission and the work that he has chosen you to do.
I know it is difficult for you to believe that the communication actually came from Jesus. I must tell you that he wrote the message, and that what you received and wrote what he actually said. In doing so he was the king, as well as the Loving savior, who heretofore appeared to you as the Loving and kindly brother that he is.
You must not doubt that he wrote you just as you received it, and that he has selected you for his disciple to do this Great Work of receiving and transmitting to humankind the Wonderful Truths, which he shall write.
When he selected me as his disciple on Earth, I had my doubts as you have yours. It was only after I came in close personal contact and association with him and saw the wonderful power that he had, as well as the Great Absorbing Love, did my doubts leave me. While you cannot see him as I did, and hear his voice of Love and Blessings as I did, yet you will be able to feel his Love and realize his presence.
When he told you that you must doubt no longer, as to your being selected for this work, he was a magnificent spirit in his aspect of power and authority. We, who saw him as he told you these things, knew that he was the Jesus who led us through Galilee, and performed the wonderful things that he did. Also, the Great Jesus who gave to us the Knowledge, and The Way, to obtain the powers to heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind, and raise the apparent dead.
His presence was that of a very god, for he seemed possessed of all power and authority, as well as of Love and Grace. The spirits who were present and who had never seen these qualities of his nature displayed before were awe struck. Like Peter, James, and myself on the Mount of Transfiguration, fell to their faces because of the exceeding brightness of his countenance and the glory of his power, which illuminated his whole being. When he comes into the spheres lower than that in which he lives, as you would say, he leaves behind him this great brightness and glory, and appears only as a beautiful Loving brother spirit. Never before had those spirits who were present when he wrote you, seen the wonderful and inspiring appearance, which he then showed.
I tell you that you are a very favored mortal. When your Faith grows, you will realize what a wonderful mission has been given you to carry out. Now we are all more interested in you than ever. Continually, will you have around you some of the High Celestial Spirits, to aid and enlighten you in doing this great work. The greatest of all will be the Master, for he will be with you often. Now you must strive to attain to the fullness of this Divine Love, and the Faith, which is so necessary. There is no doubt as to your getting It, if you will only pray. I must tell you here, that you have the prayers of a Host of Celestial Spirits ascending continually to the Father, that this Faith may be given you in its greatest degree. I, John, tell you this, because I Know. My Knowledge is based on fact.
So let your prayers go to the Father. Let your trust in the Master, and his promises increase. Until, at last you may realize the Wonderful Blessings that may be yours.
I will not write more tonight, but will say that very soon the worries will disappear. You will be in condition to resume the writings.
With my Love and blessings, I am your brother in Christ, John.
James E. Padgett
October 1st, 1915
I came merely to say that I have listened to your conversation tonight, and was much interested, because you have discussed that Phase of Human's Destiny which is most important in all the Economy, or Plans, of the Father.
Your being chosen to do this work was not the thing of the moment. For a long period of time the Highest Spirits of the Celestial Heavens have considered this Great Question, and the way by which the Great Truths of God, and the necessary Plans for Human's Salvation, could be made known to mortals.
Heretofore, the difficulty has been in finding a human gifted with mediumistic powers, who had the unbiased mind, and yet a knowledge to some extent of the soul's requirements, who could be used for the purpose of receiving these Great Truths, and transmitting them to humanity.
Some years ago, as you say, a selection was made of a human (Swedenborg) to declare these Truths. To him much power and Spiritual Knowledge were given. Even that power of leaving the body and visiting the World of Spirits, that he might see for himself the actual condition of things, as they there existed, and to declare to humankind the results of his observations. He did observe and declare many Truths, but the difficulty, in the way of his realizing the Pure Truth, and interpreting the things which he saw, was that his mind was too much biased by what he had read and believed from the writings as contained in the Bible. Hence, his efforts failed to accomplish the Great Purpose intended by the mission given him. I am here referring to Swedenborg, the seer, as he was called.
This was a great disappointment to these Celestial Spirits, who had projected such a plan for Revealing the Truths to humankind. At the head of these Celestial Spirits was Jesus, as he is now. Since that time, the time has never been propitious for a plan of this kind to be attempted again, until now.
Now, instead of having the mortal through whom this Plan is to be worked, leave his body and come to the Spirit World, and then relate the results and interpretations of his observations, it has been determined that the Truths shall be declared to the mortal in the words and thoughts of these spirits. So that no mistake, or wrong interpretation, can possibly occur. Hence, when we saw the possibilities of your becoming a medium, with powers sufficient, and a soul capable of development, to receive these thoughts and words, it was decided to select you, and make you the medium for doing this great work. Of course, Jesus was the active superior spirit in making the selection, and we all submitted to his judgment. Such is the decree. Now you will understand why you were selected, and the fact that you have been selected.
I have told you this tonight, because I have been selected by the others to do so. I, as the wise man of old, tell you from a knowledge founded on fact.
So, both of you (James E. Padgett and Dr. Leslie Stone)realize your missions. Strive with all your might to acquire this Great Faith and Soul Development, which are absolutely necessary to a successful performance of the work.
We are with you very often, trying to incline your thoughts to the Higher Things, and to fill your souls with their influences which our Love for you, and creates around you. So in behalf of all of us who are promoting this Great Work, I give you our Love and blessings.
Your brother in Christ, Solomon. The wise of the Old Testament, and the more than wise of the followers of Christ.
James E. Padgett
November 25th, 1915
I am here, Jesus.
I am with you tonight in your Spiritual Exaltation. I will show you the Love that you crave for. I will cause you to feel that the Father is very near you in His Divine Love and Blessings. So you must let your thoughts go out to the Father. He will come to you with an abundance of Divine Love that will make you realize that He is your Loving Father. I was with you at the Colburns, saw that your Love was very great, and that you needed a response. I tried to make you realize that I was with you and Loved you very much.
The music was very beautiful and caused a rapport which drew us very close together. You were very happy in the thoughts of Love and Peace that came to you. I am so glad that you are free from your cares tonight, as I want you to feel that the Divine Love of the Father is with you and is filling your soul, so that you can realize that His Divine Love is a Thing of Reality and Substance.
I will let you see how much you can become At-One with Him. What a Joy and Peace the Divine Love of the Father brings to you. So, as I say, let your thoughts turn to him. Let your prayers ascend to Him. You will soon know that His Kingdom is within and of you.
I am now going to tell you what a Loving Father He is, and what great desire He has that you believe in Him and in His Love for you.
He is not a God of wrath and anger. His only Desire is that you shall Love Him with all your heart, and so become so close to Him that you will know that He is the Father that I have told you of. He does not want you to let anything on Earth keep you from becoming His Own Dear Son, and a follower of His Truths. I know that you are now very near the place where your soul will be filled with His Divine Love, and your Faith will have such strength that never again will it be shaken by troubles or doubts.
In the near future you will be able to receive from me my messages, in that condition of soul knowledge, that will enable you to get them just as I desire to give them to you, and so to the World.
Be more Faithful in your aspirations for this Divine Love and more in condition to believe what I may write.
I am your own true friend and brother, and have an interest in you that will enable you to overcome all temptations and all the worries of your Earth Life.
My Love will strengthen you in your Faith,in your realization that I am your friend and brother, and that I am able to fulfill my promises that I have made to you. Let me again impress upon you the necessity of Prayer and Faith. The necessity to seek continually, the Help of the Father.
I must not write more tonight but will soon give you another message.
I will do so, as I think it will be more satisfactory to write it anew. You were not in good condition when I wrote. Some things were not as clear as I desire. You will be stronger when I write again. The message will be more satisfactory. So try to obtain more Faith. You will find that our writings will be more successful.
So, with all my Love, I am your friend and brother,
James E. Padgett
December 9th, 1915
Let me say a word while you are writing, as I am also interested in your great work, and in the efforts that are now being made by the Spirit Powers of the Higher Spheres to bring to Earth the Great Truths of the Father, which Jesus shall write to you.
You do not yet appreciate the Great Importance of this work, or of the Truths that shall be taught. But as you proceed in your work, you will see what a wonderful thing this Great Effort of the Master is. I am one who is trying to help forward this movement. In doing so, I feel that I am doing to humankind the greatest service that all the Universe of God affords me to do.
I have not, in my soul, so much of the Divine Love of the Father. But I know that it is the One Absolutely Necessary thing that humans must possess in order to get an entrance into the Kingdom of God, and to obtain the Great Happiness which the Father has made possible for humans to receive.
You certainly have had imposed upon you a work of great responsibility. One, that will call for the exercise of all your physical powers, as well as your mental and moral endowments. So, you see, it is a matter that must be received and considered most seriously by you. You must not let anything interfere with the successful performance of this Great and Wonderful Work.
Humankind, at this time, more than at any time since the presence of Jesus on Earth in the material body, needs the Truth to be presented to it, in such a way that all superstition and blind faith will be eliminated from the minds and consciousness of mortals.
I can hardly realize that the Truth can be presented in this way, with the success that the Master says will follow the efforts of those engaged in declaring and spreading these Truths. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to do one of the greatest services to your fellowman. Just think: it embraces, in the results of the workings of these Truths, not only human's welfare on Earth, but also their Happiness and Immortality in the Great Eternity.
I could write more tonight, but I will not longer trespass on your time, or strength. I hope though, that at some future time I may have the opportunity to come and disclose some of the Knowledge that I have, concerning these Truths, and the importance that they are to humankind.
I live in the First Celestial Sphere where Jefferson and Washington are, and many others of the old patriots of revolutionary and later days. I will subscribe myself, your obedient servant and brother in Christ, Daniel Webster.
James E. Padgett
December 9th, 1915
I am a stranger. I want to say just a word, as I am so interested in the work that you have before you to do. You certainly are a favored human by having been selected to do this work. It is a stupendous work, one which is of the greatest vital importance to humankind and to the destiny of mortals.
I will not write longer at this time, but would like to come again, if agreeable, and write.
Yes, I am a Lover of God. I live in the First Celestial Sphere. As you know, am a Redeemed Child of God and Immortal.
I will now say, with all Love, goodnight, Thomas Jefferson.
James E. Padgett
James E. Padgett, Assistant District Attorney Washington, D.C., Spiritualist Medium of Divine Love and Divine Truth
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